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Janus Gateway のDocker Imageをアップデートした話

半年ほど放置していたJanus Gatewayのdocker imageをアップデートしたhttps://github.com/atyenoria/janus-gateway-docker。今現在の段階ではJanus-Gatewayを商用環境で使うのは正直怖い。予期せぬクラッシュが原因。今現在ライブセミナーシステムを作成して…



Revealed: The Do’s and Don’ts of Voice Conference Calls

Conference calls have become a gold standard in many industries. Whether you want to connect with employees, clients, or partners across the globe, you can rely on the innovative technologies that have made connecting with others easier th…

How Conference Calls Benefit Businesses

This is a blessing in disguise for small businesses because they don’t have to rent space for employees but can still get their work done in record time. There are companies out there who encourage their employees to work from home. All of…



How to Save Yourself 15 Hours per Month with Offshore Development As a businessman

you need freedom to work on the things that matter most, and that means the things that help your business grow. As your company starts to grow and you want to dive into offshore development, there are a few tools you need to help you add …

Remote working

How to run a an offshore team Remote work started to be more and more popular these days. And most people see this way of working as a receipt for disasters, and some will justify this by saying that nothing can replace face to face contac…